I open this blog with a song, a Christmas song.

Over the last few weeks I’ve had people singing and playing in my studio, well, i say studio, it’s more like a dark cellar in which i dwell. But anyway. My brother gave me the idea to cover “Do They Know Its Christmas” by Band Aid. I contacted people i knew and wanted on the recording and had them come over and sing and play. Good fun indeed! We even had time to film some of it. I had set up two weeks for recording, from the 12. to the 21. of Dec,  with a week beforehand to get the arrangement and record other instruments.

First up were Simon Bergseth from the band Aristillus and Rohey Taalah from the band Taalah where I play drums. Simon did some screaming and growling in the bridge, something that I at least wanted to try for dun, but it came out great so it ended up in the song! Rohey did some soul/RnB-fantasticness which is pure gold. Next up was Sondre Sæbjørnsen (good luck with that you english people), who sang the second verse (with George Michael and Bono in the original). We agreed he actually sounded like Bono, something he did not like at all. Then it was time for some bass, that was done by Magnus Falkenberg from Groove Zero. he came out with great parts, we even decided to put some slap-bass on that sucker, it worked! I also got sent the first verse, sung by Hanif Kawousi from Blue Basement, which he recorded and sent to me. Hanig being in the band who played everywhere and was known everywhere, it seemed, when I started playing in bands. It was nice to have him be a part of this! The last day of vocals saw the return of Rohey and Rasmus (the singer from Groove Zero, who came in with Magnus, but ran out of time) and the arrival of Klara Høeg. Talk about a good time! Rasmus did some backing vox, klara did some lead and harmony vox and Klara and Rohey did this epic soul “vocal-freak out” that we put on the end chorus, sounds amazing!

It is this piece of work that i now publish to the world!

And here it is!

Here’s the video!